About Mindat

Mindat Auctions - the online mineral and gem auctions from mindat.org Auction Categories * Mineral and Rock Specimens * High-end Collector Mineral Specimens * General Mineral Specimens * Rare Mineral Species * Fluorescent Minerals * Gold and Silver Specimens * Gem Mineral Crystals * Micromounts and Microminerals * African Minerals * American Minerals * Australian Minerals * Canadian Minerals * Chinese Minerals * European Minerals * Indian Minerals * Pakistan and Afghanistan Minerals * Meteorites and Tektites * Quartz * Bulk Minerals Wholesale * Fossil Specimens * General Fossil Specimens * Rare Fossils * Ammonites * Dinosaur Fossils * Sharks Teeth * Trilobites * Amber * Bulk Fossils Wholesale * Moroccan Fossils * Ornamental, Display and New Age * Amethyst and Citrine Cathedrals * New Age Rocks and Crystals * Stone Carvings * Ornamental, Display and New Age * Enhanced Artificial Display Specimens * Gemstone Eggs and Spheres * Decorator-type specimens * Jewelry and Jewelry Supplies * Gemstone Jewelry * Diamonds * Cut Gemstones * Pearls * Findings and Fittings * Jewelry Tools and Supplies * Precious Metal Jewelry * General Beads * Gemstone Beads * Beadwork Jewelry * Handmade Beads (Self Representing Artists) * Lapidary Supplies * Rough Stone (general) * Gemstone Rough * Agate * Jade and Jade simulants * Opal * Tumbled Stones * Lapidary Equipment * Grits and Polishes * Tools, Accessories and Books * Hammers and Tools * Microscopes and Accessories * Books, CDs, Videos, DVDs * Magazines * UV lamps, bulbs and accessories * Display Cases, Boxes and Lights

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