Antique Dealers Trade Associations

When purchasing antiques use accredited dealers who belong to a trade association.

Four ways to make money from your CDs

There are various choices and it depends a great deal on what’s in your collection and how much effort you can put in.

How Money Lanudering Laws Affect Purchacers At Auction

Often when you buy at auction you will be asked for specific information. This is under the Governments Money Laundering rules.

A Primer on Import and Export Documents

It is crucial that your documents are in order when you are exporting goods to a buyer or importing goods from a seller.

Casting Estate Agents Asunder

I often receive correspondence on the negative aspects of estate agents, all letters received having some ghastly story to tell.

Silver and Silverware Glossary

A comprehensive Glossay of Popular Terms Used When Reffering to Silver and Silverware

Glossary of Condition at Toy Auctions

A glossary of esential terms used at Toy Auctions

Glossary of Building Terms

A glossary of building terms used in the uk

Glossary of Insolvency Terms

Definitions of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Terms and Expressions for England and Wales

Glossary of Auction Terms

These terms are used in in various auction houses. Be sure to get familier with them to avoid costly mistakes



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