…and use them to make regular profits
of up to 500% with little or no effort..

John, Editor, explains how Government Auction News will lead you to bargain after bargain after bargain.

Dear Reader

Imagine if every month you were alerted to thousands of unbelievable bargains that not only could save you hundred’s of pounds but also had the potential to make you profits in the region of 500%. What would you do with that information?

Would you use it to improve your lifestyle buying luxury items you’ve long wanted for yourself, or would you be tempted to turn your knowledge into a quick profit with little or no effort?

Whatever your interest in auctions is, from earning an extra income to establishing a successful business, discover how to find thousands of luxury items at bargain prices.

Established since 1989 Government Auction News is the UK’s premier auction information service.

From our offices in Fleet Street, central London, we publish a whole range of newsletters, specialist courses, books and insider reports, and over the last eighteen years, more than a quarter million people have become valued customers.

Regularly featured on and recommended by BBC and ITV television, national and local radio, The Times, Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Mirror, FHM Magazine among others, our publications are also referred to by official bodies such as the Department of Trade & Industry, the Department of Environment and Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

“By far and away the best publication of it’s kind. Very impressive”… read more subscribers’ stories…

Our regular reader’s are already cashing in on some fabulous bargains, and you can do the same. It’s hassle free and fun, and I’d like to show you the easiest way you can get in on this simple strategy…

Why are the prices of these luxury items so low?

Well, each month thousands of organistaions sell goods at auction – and they want to get rid of them fast. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that the speediest way to sell something is to accept a very low price.

That’s why most of these auctions are NO-RESERVE PRICE sales – that is to say the goods must be sold there and then with no lower price limit. The “best bid” wins irrespective of realistic values or market prices – you could literally pay just a few pounds for something that’s worth hundreds!

Take the police, for example. They use these auctions to unload vast quantities of lost and unclaimed property, everything from computers and mobile phones to video cameras and iPods, cars, boats and even caravans!

Company receivers and insolvency practitioners dispose of bankruptcy stock by the same means, while HM Customs & Excise are interested in selling off confiscated and impounded items. In every case, the vendor is interested in a quick and easy sale – so there are always thousands of bargains to be had.

So, if you’re willing to attend a few of these auctions each month it will be possible for you to pick up bargain after bargain after bargain. You can buy goods at prices that will make you think you are dreaming – up to 95% off the normal price – week in, week out.

But if you look in the mainstream press for these sales, you’ll be lucky to find them. Often these sales aren’t publicized – and that can make it difficult for beginners. But don’t worry, that’s where Government Auction News comes in.

Government Auction News provides details of over 1,200 auctions taking place each month throughout the whole of the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and shows you where the bargains are to be found in your region, the type of auction and when it will take place.

Whether you are interested in bankrupts stocks, police lost and found, airport lost property, ex-catalogue stocks, trade stocks, Government surplus, antiques and collectibles, property, plant and machinery, cars, boats or bicycles… Government Auction News will steer you to the very best bargains.

The variety of auctions covered by Government Auction News is vast, to find out more click here.

But Government Auction News isn’t simply a listings magazine. You can also read advice on what to buy, what to pay for goods, how to maximize value, how to avoid common auction mistakes, bidding tips, and much more besides.

Here’s what you’ll find in a typical issue:

EDITOR’S NOTES Invaluable, pertinent advice, information, tips, comment and predictions relating to the sector.

AUCTION-GOERS’ NEWS A summary of the very latest news stories including everything from details of market trends and alternative investments to the latest information about Ministry of Defence auctions.

FEATURE ARTICLES Every issue of Government Auction News carries insightful articles. We regularly cover topics relating to business ideas and money making opportunities, avoiding tax on your profits, buying property without capital, discovering hidden treasures, renovation and repairing antiques and much more.

AUCTION REPORTS Our own correspondents and readers contribute to this popular column, covering every type of sale, providing you with invaluable information relating to prices achieved, types of items sold, attendance levels and so forth.

LETTERS AND QUERIES Our panel of experts are happy to answer your queries and to provide information and advice on any subject relating to buying and selling at auction. This is a free service to all subscribers.

BARGAIN OF THE MONTH COMPETITION Every month we give away up to £100 worth of prizes to readers who have entered our competition for the very best auction-bought bargains.

THE PROFIT PROPHET In particular, we concentrate on helping you identify specific opportunities for gain, tomorrow’s valuables, and the sort of prices you should expect to pay. We think of these as investments, collectibles we believe will be worth much, much more in the future.

THE INTERNET REPORT In addition to providing you with all you need to know to buy and sell on the web, we include details of other websites where particular bargains are to be found. Please note that as a new subscriber to Government Auction News you will receive a free report on trading on the Internet. You will also have FREE access to our database of internet auction sites to be found in the Members Only section of this site.

THE BUSINESS COLUMN No matter how little money you have to start with (it may only be a few pounds) there are massive opportunities for gain. The business column is written especially for those interested in making money from auctions. It will help you to identify the very best way to sell the goods you’ve bought, and will help you maximise the return on your investment.

NOTICEBOARD As its name suggests, snippets of information of use to you in your buying and selling as well as an opportunity for readers to contact and trade with each other.

FOR SALE BY AUCTION And of course our comprehensive national auction listings. No other magazine or newspaper provides the same high quality information in such an easy-to-read format. Each entry, listed regionally, not only covers the auctioneers’ particulars (name, address, telephone number, website, etc.) but also full details of the sales they run, together with a summary of items to be sold.

Government Auction News also runs a free weekly e-mail update service with up-to-the-minute information about short notice auctions in your own area.

So why not take advantage of this powerful resource? It’s perfect if you want to get a few new items for the home at a bargain price – and if you want to make some serious money selling these goods at a profit Government Auction News could well become your bible!

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