If You’ve Ever Thought Something Was So Cheap It Must Have Fallen Off The Back Of A Lorry… You Could Be Right!

“How to cash in on the Proceeds of Crime at auction”

Ill Gotten Gains is a  BBC Documentary series following UK police forces as they take down Britain’s criminals by seizing their assets and selling them at auction.

They say that crime doesn’t pay. Well maybe not for those who are stupid enough to put their lives and liberty on the line by committing  burglary, theft or worse. But what this article explores is something very different – a clever and totally legal (if a little devious) way to profit from crime, one where the criminals take all the risks and suffer the consequences, whist the savvy quietly step in later and pick up the rewards…

Ill Gotton Gains reveals a fascinating insite into the murky world of crime. In one episode The National Crime Agency and Border Force combine to swoop on a family yacht which is stashed with cocaine worth an estimated £120 million as it sailed past Dover. In this case the boat is sold off at a proceeds-of-crime auction with money paid back to the treasury.

In the old days, if you committed a crime and got caught, more often than not you’d go to jail and when you got out again your ill gotten gains would be waiting for you. The State had some powers to confiscate your assets, but it wasn’t easy. There were hoops to jump through, and the authorities had to prove which crimes the assets came from before they could be seized.  But then in 2002, along came the ‘Proceeds Of Crime Act’

A drug dealer (say) makes a pile of money which he blows on fast cars, expensive jewellery and the contents of his local Curry’s. He gets caught, is sent to jail and the proceeds of his crimes are confiscated and sent to auction. At this point, you step in and buy up some or all of those assets for a tiny fraction of what they’re really worth. A victim of drug dealing talks about their experiences, and the programme details how proceeds of crime can benefit local communities by funding charities.

An episode of the BBC’s Ill Gotton Gains follows a police raid with South Wales Regional Organised Crime Unit as they arrest a suspected drugs king-pin seizing high-value assets. Then there’s the case of a mortgage and benefit fraudster who has his ill gotten gains confiscated and sold at auction.

In on particularly gripping episode, The National Crime Agency take down a smuggling gang attempting to land £100,000 worth of automatic weapons. They were later given combined sentences of 90 years for one of the largest gun trafficking offences in the UK. The yacht they used was auctioned with the money going to the treasury. A dodgy second-hand car dealer gets his final comeuppance as six million pounds he cheated out of customers is ordered to be paid back from assets sent to auction.

A fraudster who was found to be running a cannabis farm in a secret den has his ill-gotten gains seized and sent off to auction. A boat which was involved in illegal immigrant trafficking is auctioned off at a proceeds-of-crime sale, and a man is given a lengthy sentence for insurance fraud after duping over six hundred people with fake car insurance.

A clever con woman who was spending her stolen money on luxury shoes and handbags has her prized possessions seized and sold at auction. Then there’s the appalling case of the love rat who was romancing and conning unsuspecting women out of their savings and then spending it on expensive cars. He was later convicted and authorities auctioned off his ill-gotten gains giving the money back to his victims.

Police investigate one of the UK’s biggest fraudsters for tax evasion. He lived the high life and spent the money on expensive cars and jewellery. Police seized everything, even the paintings off the walls!

“amazing opportunity law abiding citizens can cash”

The 2002 Act  made it much easier for the State to seize the assets of anyone convicted of a crime they’d benefited from financially. Much of the burden of proof was lifted.  And that is the basis of an amazing opportunity law abiding citizens can cash in on and all with police and Government backing!

  • Individuals commit serious crimes.
  • They get caught.
  • They go to jail
  • Their assets are seized… 

…And You Grab Them For Pennies On The Pound!

The police and authorities are keen to offload the proceeds of crimes as generally it’s just a headache, something taking up valuable time and space. They want to turn this headache into hard cash and they want to do it quickly and with the minimum of fuss. Have you ever heard the term ‘easy come, easy go’?  Well these seized assets came pretty easily to the state. They were free! So ANY cash they can raise is a bonus. Add into the mix, the fact that Government officials and police officers aren’t known for their commercial acumen, and here’s what you get….
Brand new top of the range stuff (everything from cars right through to state-of-the-art TV’s, jewellery, top-drawer watches and iPhones) dumped at low profile, under-publicised auctions where they raise nowhere near what they’re worth…
These auctions generally have NO RESERVE for goodness sake!

Now compare that with a marketplace like eBay where the whole world is in competition for what’s on offer, and canny sellers can ramp up bids and set ambitious reserve prices. The chances of getting a bargain are severely diminished, and certainly a lot less than at these ‘proceeds of crime auctions’.

BUT! A small number of shrewd people have turned this situation to their advantage. Buy at one of these secret auctions, list it it on eBay or in the classifieds at sites like Gumtree and it’s possible to make enviable (sometimes 1,000%+) profit with virtually no effort at all – often over night!

‘what a great opportunity this is”

Proceeds of crime auctions are awesome events for bagging a bargain. Millions of pounds worth of seized assets offloaded at ridiculously low prices at auctions without reserve. Anyone can bid. Anyone can cash in. But for some, there’s an even BIGGER and more lucrative opportunity. Don’t let anyone say crime doesn’t pay when the Police and the Government are spoon-feeding outrageous profit opportunities like these.

Better than eBay!

eBay has alerted tens of millions to the money making power of auctions, and that’s part of the problem. It’s a great place to sell, but the sheer number of people trying to find a bargain usually rules out them finding one. What’s more, sellers set reserve prices which ensure that what they’re offering doesn’t get sold  for a ‘silly’ price. That doesn’t happen at a Proceeds Of Crime auction. Offer the highest bid on the day and the lot is bought … it’s as simple as that.

Serious crimes yield the biggest and juciest assets, but these auctions aren’t just for people with a big wedge to invest. The spoils seized from petty thieves also find their way into the auction room. It’s not unusual to find shoplifted goods (Pairs of Nike trainers for £2 each or boxed electric toothbrushes for £1) and the result of other petty thefts (bikes routinely change for less than a fiver) on offer in abundance.

It’s no secret that the recession hit a lot of people hard. But what few realise is that there’s often a fast and easy solution…and it’s literally right on the doorstep.
You see, rather than trying to replace the job they just lost, or make up the extra money they need by getting a second job, an increasing number of ‘insiders’ are quietly launching their own money making projects from their own kitchen table or living rooms.   These projects often pay considerably more than getting another full or part time job…and they require a lot less effort too.
And the really good news is that they can be set up for next to nothing!

It’s true…less than £5 for a bike!

How hard can it be to build a lucrative business when stock can be bought at these sort of prices? Stock for sale at proceeds of crime auctions for crazy low prices, you could be forgiven for thinking it must have been stolen.

Cleaning up by buying at these low key auctions and then selling on eBay or at some other used goods site for a massive profit is not difficult. There’s nothing clever or difficult about it – buy in one market for pennies on the pound, and then sell in another at a price which still looks a bargain to the customer. The only thing stopping others emulating this opportunity is a little insider information (more about that in a moment) and the get up and go to take some action.

You can’t sit on your backside if you fancy cashing in!

Well you can, but you have to make a bit of effort – do a little research first.  The sort of bargains we’re talking about here aren’t openly advertised in the local paper. That rules out the bone idle and feckless – people who want everything to just drop in their lap. Assuming you’re not like that (You’re not, are you?) this gives you a huge advantage. Just by finding out what’s available, you put yourself head and shoulders above 99% of the population … people who will probably end up buying from you later for a huge mark up!

In a moment I’m going to reveal how to short-circuit most of the effort involved. It’s entirely possible to make £500-£1,000 a week by buying cheaply at proceeds of crime auctions and selling through online auctions and classifieds. The truth is that it’s possible to make a great deal more. The sky’s the limit!

But Isn’t This Somehow…Wrong?

Saying that you ‘deal in stolen goods’ doesn’t sound too good does it? But here’s the thing, it’s with the blessing of the Police, the Courts and the Government. They want to dispose of these goods (which have either been bought with stolen money or can’t be returned to their owner) and you’re doing them a favour by buying them. It’s not your fault if they go for a song because the auction isn’t well publicised. And here’s the icing on the cake…

You’ll be helping charities and other local good causes.

It’s true. You see most police forces use the money from their proceeds of crime seizures to fund local charities and community projects. Who’d have thought dealing in stolen goods would have a positive outcome like that?

So what do you need to get involved, and to grab your share of the profits?

Well as I said earlier, information is the key, and you’ll need two things. The first is an account at GAUK Auctions the second is a little motivation.

In the members are there’s a wealth of information, including a free book ‘Everything You Could Ever Need to Make a Killing at Auctions‘. It reveals every last piece of ‘nuts and bolts’ information you’ll need to start making money from not only seized assets and the proceeds of crime which regularly turn up at under-publicised police auctions. But also how to brab bargains at Property, car and and liquidation auctions.

Here are just a few of the things available to GAUK Auctions members…

  • The country’s most comprehensive auction house database
  • The country’s most comprehensive auction calendar … EVERY auction event in the country, EVERY WEEK
  • EVERY vehicle for sale at UK auctions
  • A list of  ‘secret’ auctioneers across England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland selling off seized goods and other proceeds of crime at silly prices.
  •  Where to buy everything from bricks and mortar properties to luxury cars to top quality electrical goods…right through to jewellery, watches, trainers and sports gear at a fraction of the regular price….and often with no reserve!
  • How to sort the ‘wheat from the chaff’ and only bid on the most outrageous bargains with the highest profit margins.
  • The ‘nitty-gritty’ of  proceeds of crime auction etiquette and procedure. How to side-step the pitfalls and bag the hottest deals.
  • How to beat the pro’s,  insiders and full time traders at their own game. It’s easy when you know how.
  • How to advertise, market and sell your ‘stolen goods’ for massive profits.
  •  How to build a full time enviable income working just a few hours a week.

 …and a great deal more!

Remember….anyone can attend these proceeds of crime auctions. You don’t need to apply, you don’t need a pass or licence, you don’t need to be screened or vetted. All you need is the date, the time, the location and the right insider information on what to buy and how to profit from it,  and you can be up and running and making money within days.

Heck, it’s worth taking a look at this even if you don’t want to trade!

Maybe you’re…

  • Looking to buy a new family car at a knock down price.
  • Fancy a Ferrari, Lambo or Bentley but couldn’t come close to paying for one at dealer prices.
  • Need some new furniture for your house…or maybe you’re moving soon or have rental property and want to kit out a whole house.
  • Want to get your hands on the latest ‘techy’ equipment….phones, hi fi, games consoles, TV’s, Computers etc but can’t possibly pay High Street prices.
  • Fancy a new wardrobe of designer gear for pennies on the pound.
  • Want to get hold of a special wristwatch or piece of jewellery.

If so, well that’s great. Through GAUK Auctions, you’re going to have access to all this…and a great deal more, for yourself.  The auction process is exactly the same. The only difference is that you don’t have to go to the trouble of selling what you’ve bought!

I want you to have instant access to the member’s area and access to more than your fair share of all these seized and recovered goods (for either your own use or to sell on at a massive profit) right away. Why? Because it’s going to be the key to you really cashing in on the up-to-the-second information you’re going to find at our unique website.

Stolen goods (and a great deal more) at your fingertips at GAUK Auctions

GAUK Auctions details not only when and where upcoming police auctions’ will be taking place through our proprietary calendar software, but  you’ll also find a breakdown of exactly what will be on offer on the day. So you can work out exactly what you want to grab – in advance.

There’s much more to the site than that though. For example:

  • The most powerful searchable database of events and vehicles in the world allowing you to find proceeds of crime auctions in your area or on a specific date.
  • The opportunity to search for exactly what you’re looking to buy or trade in…cars, property, furniture, clothes, jewellery, gold clubs, sports gear, watches, electrical goods or whatever….the choice is yours. You can simply search for it.
  • Direct access to live online bidding (where available), with many auctioneers so you don’t even have to leave your armchair to bag many of the bargains on offer.

And There’s A Big Bonus…

Because when you get access to all this information on police ‘proceeds of crime’ auctions, unlimited access to the UK’s biggest database of traditional auctioneers…house clearance auctions, car auctions, government and local authority auctions….and bankruptcy and insolvency sales. Over 1,600 of them! … You’ll also get UNLIMITED access to GAUK Motors.

Put together, it’s  a complete and totally comprehensive package of  information and data to ensure you never pay retail again and an even bigger opportunity to make a part or full time income from UK auctions.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re a seasoned trading pro’ looking for an edge, a rank beginner to buying and selling, or just someone looking to pick up some almost unimaginable bargains, this site is going to prove invaluable.

Up to date and accurate…

A team of dedicated programmers to ensure that the auction information you get is up to date, accurate and totally searchable. They also make it as easy as possible for you by providing direct links and gateways to bid online where possible. We make it fast and simple for you to find – and then bid on – seized proceeds of crime such as:

  • Luxury cars
  • Yachts
  • Property
  • Jewellery
  • Wrist watches
  • Motorcycles
  • Golf clubs
  • Sports gear
  • TV’s and electrical goods
  • Mobile phone’s
  • Branded clothes
  • Computer equipment

And much more. As a bonus, we also give you  fingertip access to what’s coming up for sale at:

  • HMRC Customs and Excise Auctions – Often selling off the confiscated assets of tax evaders and drug runners.
  • Liquidation & Repossession Auctions – Bankruptcy’s and liquidations are through the roof at the moment. Here’s where all the repossessed goods end up.
  • Government auctions – Goods sold off by the most profligate and wasteful organisation known to man…the UK government!  Embarrassing bargains to be had. 

There are literally hundreds of auction houses up and down the UK offering interesting and lucrative opportunities. Some of them are bound to be right on your doorstep, and you can locate them directly on the map and find out what they’re offering, via the search facility on our database. Simply follow the links and you’ll have dates, times, items for sale….and often the tools to be bid there and then online.

How easy do you want it to be?

I want to spell out exactly what this unique package could mean to you…

You sit down at your computer next Monday morning (after waking naturally and a cup of coffee of course!) having absorbed the key information in Everything You Could Ever Need to Make a Killing at Auctions and log on to GAUK Auctions. Everything is laid out there for you, and you start your search. Perhaps you’re looking for a particular thing…cars, clothing, phones or whatever…or maybe you just want an auction nearby. Either way, everything is at your fingertips.

Chances are, exactly what you’re looking for will be coming up for sale in the next 48 hours. In just a few days time you can have bid on it, bought it and be re-advertising it on eBay or elsewhere at a huge profit. It really is  that easy and you can do this over and over again, as many times as you like.

This could be your ‘working life’ from now on….

No more alarm clocks, no more early morning starts, no more commuting in the rain, no more boss or office politics. The income from putting up with all of that can easily be replaced by buying and selling a few items each week at proceeds of crime auctions.

Plan it right and you can do everything from your computer screen…buy at the Proceeds of Crime Auctions,  and then swiftly sell on again via eBay, Gumtree or similar … where the lazy buyers are ready and waiting with their cash.

And to think all of this is only possible as  a result of crime!

If you’re looking for a lucrative and equally important…sustainable way to make money, you need look no further than this. Buying low and selling high is just about the simplest (and most time-proven) method there is to make money. The goods on offer will change of course, but there will always be auctions. This is a money making system you can use for life, and it’s totally flexible…

  • It doesn’t matter what you want to trade in
  • It doesn’t matter how much spare time you have
  • It doesn’t matter how old you are
  • It doesn’t matter what previous experience you have
  • It doesn’t matter how much money you have

This can still work for YOU!
The range of goods available is mind boggling and you can start by investing just a few pounds up to tens of thousands if your pockets are deep enough!  These auctions take place pretty much every day of the week and so you can always work around your other commitments when getting started. The only knowledge you’ll need is in the package available right now. Here are some more reasons why you should jump right into the world of auctions, right now…

  • It’s completely recession proof. GAUK Auctions ahs been delivering quality information since 2000. It doesn’t matter one iota whether the economy is bust. In fact, more goods end up at auction (and prices are lower) when times are tough.
  • There are opportunities to profit every day of the week.
  • No extra software, books, training or advice is required. Everything you need is included in the package and at the website.
  • You can get started literally the same day you receive the package we’ve put together for you.
  • You can pick up and drop this when you feel like it. There’s no need to work on it every day if you don’t want to. You could even do it just one day a week (or even one day a year!) if you wanted to. It’s totally flexible. 

So How Much Is This Going To Cost?

What would you expect to pay to be spoon fed all the tools you need to make £1,000* a week or more from ‘proceeds of crime’ auctions, from home?

Would the profit from your first week  be acceptable … and then you go on to keep everything you make after that?

That could very easily be £1,000, maybe more. Many would see that as more than reasonable. But times are hard and the simple fact is, that £1,000 will bar most from taking a look. That’s just not acceptable. This is a low start up opportunity and access to GAUK Auctions and GAUK Motors websites needs to be available to all.
So how about the profit from your first purchase at an auction then? That could easily be £500…but let’s halve it to be on the safe side, somewhere around the £250 mark?

It seems crazy that you can get everything you need to cash in on this ‘hidden opportunity’ for a price equivalent to the amount you can expect to make from your very first purchase, doesn’t it? Well if you think so, you’re going to be astonished (and delighted) by the price.

You see, anyone can benefit from the proceeds of crime.

There’s virtually no limit to the number of people who can profit from this, such is the number and geographical spread of these auctions. So it makes no sense to put an artificially high price on the manual and website access.  And we haven’t.

Access is just £48 for six months including everything outlined here and unlimited access to GAUK Auctions and GAUK Motors.  The only way you wouldn’t make this back many times over in your first couple of weeks is if you don’t even get started.

For that you get:

  • Your personal copy of Everything You Could Ever Need to Make a Killing at Auctions
  • A full 6 months unlimited access to the Proceeds Of Crime Auction website.
  • Ongoing insider help, advice and support from our auction team experts.

Over the next 12 months, hundreds of thousands of lots will pass through these auctions, being sold off for ridiculously low prices. How many of them would YOU need to buy and sell on to make this an opportunity to change your life for the better?
Heck, if you only dabble at this part-time a few days a year, it could very easily pay for a new car, a luxury holiday or any of the other ‘extras’ which make the difference between existing and really living.

Wait! There’s More…

Although GAUK has been running this service for over eighteen years, with all the dirty, rotten criminals, frauds and scams, it’s understandable that many will still remain skeptical.

Yes, we offer a full money back guarantee if GAUK isn’t everything we describe but In order to address doubt and to turn our visitors and the curious into friends and long-term clients, we’ve set up a very special deal:


It’s all ridiculously simple, anyone can do it, and you can start profiting straight away if you want to.  So what are you waiting for?  Reserve your copy of the package today!


*From time to time, GAUK may report on the success of one of its existing or prior clients/customers. You acknowledge that the prior achievements of others does not guarantee your success. As with any business, results may vary and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. There is no guarantee that you will make any income at all and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that the GAUK is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.