You’ve probably heard the story about the guy selling pencils on the street.

A kind-hearted passer by approaches and asks how much a pen costs and he says, ‘£100.’ The questioner is stunned and says, ‘You’re not going to sell many pencil at that price!’ and the guy replies, ‘Yeah, but I only have to sell one a day to meet my daily quota!’

That’s a bad example of a high profit strategy – it’s a bad example because that strategy doesn’t work for low cost, commonly available products. However, if the pencils came from Elton John’s desk where they were used to write music and lyrics, he’d have a much higher likelihood of making a sale!

Here are the three approaches you might choose to use:

High Volume Strategy
A higher volume of sales yields greater profit in the long-run, even if the profit per listing is less. This strategy is great for bulk items.

High Profit Strategy
A greater profit per sale yields greater overall profit in the long run, even if the rate of sales is lower. This strategy is great for small inventories or more unique items.

Balanced Strategy
This strategy strikes a balance between increasing conversion rate and earning more per sale in order to get the greatest profit in the long run. This strategy works when you have a mix of goods or can differentiate common goods in some compelling way.

High Volume Sales: Rapid Selling for Profit through Volume

The key with high volume sales is lowering the price (because your cost was low) to sell rapidly. Your price needs to be below usual competitive pricing but include enough cushion so that you cover your costs and achieve profitability.

For example:

Leather belts usually cost £20 retail and £10 wholesale so your margin per belt is £10. You typically sell 100 leather belts per month for a monthly margin of £1000 which is satisfactory.

You have the opportunity to buy leather belts at liquidation for £5/belt but you will need to buy 500 belts. You can afford to purchase the inventory if you can get the cash back out of the inventory quickly enough to use for other business purposes.

You go to the marketplace with these belts at a price of £10/belt, a 50% discount over typical pricing and a reduction in margin from £10 to £5/belt. You sell the 500 belts at a retained margin of £2,500, a nice bump in cash and profit for you, even though you reduced your margin on a per belt basis.

In the world of sales, high volume strategies focus on selling a large quantity of items quickly, relying on smaller profit margins per item to accumulate substantial overall profit. This approach is effective when you have acquired inventory at a significantly lower cost than the market price and possess a substantial quantity of items to sell. By strategically lowering prices to encourage rapid sales, while still ensuring profitability, you can leverage volume to achieve substantial returns.

  1. Acquiring Inventory at a Low Cost: To implement a successful high volume sales strategy, it’s crucial to acquire inventory at a low cost relative to the market price. This can be achieved through various means, such as sourcing products at discounted rates, purchasing in bulk, or taking advantage of special deals and clearance sales. By acquiring inventory at a favorable cost, you create room for lower pricing while still maintaining profitability.
  2. Setting Competitive and Attractive Prices: One of the key elements of high volume sales is setting prices that are below the usual market rates. However, it’s essential to strike a balance between competitiveness and profitability. Determine a price point that is lower than the competition, yet provides enough cushion to cover your costs and generate a reasonable profit. Conduct market research to understand the pricing landscape and identify the optimal pricing strategy that will entice customers to make quick purchase decisions.
  3. Leveraging Rapid Sales: The primary goal of high volume sales is to achieve rapid turnover of your inventory. Emphasize the urgency of your offerings to potential buyers, highlighting the limited availability and the exceptional value they will receive. Employ marketing and promotional strategies that drive customer attention and encourage swift purchasing decisions. Utilize effective marketing channels, such as social media, email campaigns, and online marketplaces, to reach a wide audience and maximize exposure.
  4. Streamlining Operations and Logistics: Efficiency is crucial in high volume sales. Streamline your operations and logistics to handle the increased volume effectively. Ensure you have the necessary infrastructure, resources, and systems in place to fulfill orders promptly and efficiently. Consider automating processes, optimizing inventory management, and partnering with reliable shipping and fulfillment services to expedite the delivery process. Seamless operations contribute to customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business.
  5. Customer Service and Satisfaction: Even in high volume sales, prioritize exceptional customer service and satisfaction. Promptly address customer inquiries, provide clear and accurate product information, and offer hassle-free return and exchange policies. Positive customer experiences contribute to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals, which can further drive sales volume. Invest in building long-term customer relationships, as customer loyalty can significantly impact your overall profitability.

High volume sales strategies capitalize on rapid turnover and smaller profit margins per item to achieve significant overall profit. Acquire inventory at a low cost, allowing for competitive pricing while still maintaining profitability. Set attractive prices that encourage swift purchasing decisions, leveraging marketing strategies to create a sense of urgency. Streamline operations and logistics to handle increased volume effectively, ensuring prompt order fulfillment. Prioritize exceptional customer service to foster customer satisfaction and loyalty. By implementing these strategies, you can leverage volume to achieve substantial profits and establish a strong presence in the market.

High Profit Sales: Maximizing Profit Margins with Strategic Selling

This strategy is used best for low volume sales where your profit margins really matter. This strategy can work if you have something unusual to sell or you are selling your product when it is not normally available, for example. In the online auction world, this strategy is usually a fixed price selling strategy for something that is in enough demand that you don’t need to subject your product to the ups and downs of the marketplace.

For example, you have acquired the hottest electronic device of the upcoming holiday season. You have purchased them wholesale for £75 each and they normally retail for £150. However, because pre-season anticipation has pushed up demand, there is a scarcity of product available. You can go to market with a £250 price tag and expect to get it or sell at auction and see how high the market will push the price. This strategy has been very effective for those who anticipated the Nintendo DS Lite craze or the rush for Wiis.

When it comes to selling products, maximizing profit margins is a top priority. One effective strategy to achieve this goal is through high profit sales. This strategy is particularly beneficial for low volume sales, where each sale holds significant value. Whether you have a unique product or are selling during a period of scarcity, implementing this strategy can help you secure the best returns. In the online auction world, high profit sales often involve fixed pricing for sought-after items, allowing you to bypass market fluctuations and ensure optimal profitability.

  1. Identifying Unique Selling Points: To embark on a successful high profit sales strategy, it’s crucial to have something unusual or in-demand to offer. Identify the unique selling points of your product or service that set it apart from competitors. It could be a rare item, a limited edition product, or a specialized service that caters to a niche market. By focusing on these distinctive features, you create a value proposition that justifies a higher price point, enabling you to maximize profit margins.
  2. Capitalizing on Scarcity: Timing is essential when implementing a high profit sales strategy. Take advantage of situations where your product is not normally available or when there is limited availability in the market. By positioning your offering as scarce or exclusive, you create a sense of urgency among potential buyers. Scarcity drives up demand, allowing you to command premium prices and increase your profitability.
  3. Fixed Price Selling: In the online auction world, high profit sales often adopt a fixed price selling strategy. Instead of subjecting your product to the ups and downs of the marketplace, you set a fixed price that reflects its value and demand. This approach eliminates the uncertainties of bidding and allows you to capture the full profit potential without the need for negotiation or competition. Fixed price selling provides stability and predictability, making it an attractive option for high profit sales.
  4. Understanding Market Demand: To execute a successful high profit sales strategy, it’s essential to thoroughly understand the market demand for your product or service. Conduct market research to identify your target audience and gauge their willingness to pay a premium price. Analyze trends, consumer behavior, and competitor pricing to determine the optimal price point that maximizes your profit margins while remaining attractive to potential buyers. A deep understanding of market demand will help you position your offering effectively and secure high-profit sales.
  5. Building Brand Reputation: A strong brand reputation can significantly enhance your high profit sales strategy. Invest in building trust and credibility among your target audience. Deliver exceptional quality, provide outstanding customer service, and cultivate positive customer experiences. A reputable brand carries a perception of value, allowing you to command higher prices for your products or services. Leverage customer testimonials, reviews, and endorsements to reinforce your brand’s reputation and justify premium pricing.

High profit sales offer an effective strategy to maximize profit margins, particularly in low volume sales scenarios. By leveraging the uniqueness, scarcity, and demand for your product or service, you can set higher prices and secure optimal returns. Adopt a fixed price selling strategy to provide stability and eliminate uncertainties in the marketplace. Thoroughly understand market demand, identify your target audience, and position your offering effectively. Build a strong brand reputation to justify premium pricing and inspire customer confidence. With a strategic approach to high profit sales, you can achieve remarkable profitability and set yourself apart in the marketplace.

Balanced Sales Strategy: Finding the Middle Ground for Optimal Profitability

The balanced sales strategy aims to strike a middle ground between high volume sales and high profit sales. This approach involves strategically pricing your products at a level that maximizes profitability while still catering to market demand and competitive dynamics. It allows for flexibility in adapting to different scenarios, such as leveraging volume pricing or high profit pricing based on specific circumstances.

  1. Assessing Market Conditions: To implement a successful balanced sales strategy, it’s essential to have a deep understanding of the market conditions and dynamics. Continuously monitor market trends, customer demand, and competitor pricing strategies. Identify instances where pricing can be adjusted to capitalize on specific opportunities, such as when supply is limited, demand is high, or you acquire a significant quantity of product through a liquidation sale.
  2. Determining Optimal Pricing: When adopting a balanced sales strategy, consider positioning your pricing somewhere between the extremes of high volume and high profit strategies. Set prices that are competitive yet allow for a reasonable profit margin. Conduct thorough market research and analysis to determine the optimal pricing range that aligns with market expectations while still ensuring profitability.
  3. Leveraging Volume Pricing: In certain situations, it may be advantageous to utilize volume pricing to attract customers and encourage larger purchases. For instance, if you acquire a substantial quantity of products through a liquidation sale or have excess inventory, offering discounted pricing for bulk purchases can incentivize customers to buy more. This strategy allows you to achieve higher overall sales volume while still maintaining an acceptable profit margin.
  4. Capitalizing on High Profit Opportunities: On the other end of the spectrum, there may be instances where you have access to unique or scarce variants of a product, or when market demand is exceptionally high. In such cases, employing a high profit pricing strategy can yield significant returns. By pricing your products at a premium, you can capitalize on the scarcity or desirability of the offering, targeting customers who are willing to pay a higher price for exclusivity or immediate availability.
  5. Monitoring and Adjusting: The balanced sales strategy requires continuous monitoring of market conditions and performance metrics. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your pricing strategy and make adjustments as needed. Stay attuned to customer feedback, sales data, and competitor activities. This will enable you to fine-tune your pricing approach, ensuring that you maintain a healthy balance between volume and profitability.
  6. Emphasizing Value and Customer Satisfaction: Regardless of the pricing strategy employed, it’s essential to emphasize the value customers receive from their purchase. Highlight the unique features, quality, or benefits of your products to justify the pricing. Additionally, prioritize customer satisfaction through exceptional service, timely order fulfillment, and responsive communication. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and advocate for your brand, contributing to long-term success.

The balanced sales strategy offers flexibility by finding the middle ground between high volume sales and high profit sales. It allows for adaptability in pricing based on market conditions, customer demand, and available inventory. By carefully assessing the market, determining optimal pricing, and leveraging volume pricing or high profit opportunities when appropriate, you can maximize profitability while meeting customer expectations. Regular monitoring and adjustment of your pricing strategy, along with a focus on delivering value and customer satisfaction, will contribute to long-term success in your sales endeavors.


Whichever strategy you find yourself most comfortable with, make sure you always account for your profitability and stock turnaround. Having a rapid cash flow is one of the most important secrets of a successful retail business. By turning around your cash quickly you can easily absorb products which don’t sell as well as you had expected, which happens even to the best; you can even easily absorb losses, provided of course your yearly portfolio includes some strong winners. You should also consider that you are not limited by any one of the above strategies; choosing a hybrid approach could be your best risk leveler.